Croi offering free heart health checks for over 65’s

Galway Daily news Galway man tells harrowing tale of heart transplant and recovery

A healthy heart is key to healthy ageing, at least that’s what Croí Heart & Stroke charity said, announcing that they will be offering free heart health checks for over 65’s this week.

The Croí Third Age Programme is focused on ensuring our increasingly ageing society does so healthily, and to that end older people can come by the centre in Newcastle to get their heart health checked.

As people age naturally, changes in their heart and blood vessels take place that increase your risk of heart disease or stroke Croí have said.

The charity said that people ged 65+ are much more likely than younger people to develop heart problems, but many of these conditions can be treated and managed if caught early.

“In today’s world, thanks to medical and technological innovation, we are living longer. By the year 2050, 1 in 5 people worldwide will be over the age of 60 years of age.”

“In fact, for the first time in human history we are close to a time when across the world there will be more people over the age of 60 than under the age of 15.”

“The greatest barrier to this is age-related cardiovascular diseases,” Croí insists.

With that in mind, if you are over 65 years old, aren’t attending a cardiologist, and haven’t had your heart checked in the past six months the Crói is inviting you to their free clinic.

The free checks will take place at Croí Heart & Stroke Centre in Newcastle from 1pm to 4pm on Wednesday, June 19.