Gardaí seize €38,500 worth of drugs and cash in Galway City

Galway Daily news Gardaí seize €38,500 worth of drugs and cash in Galway City

One man has been arrested after the seizure of €38,500 worth of drugs and cash from a property in Galway City this week.

Members of the Divisional Drugs Unit in Galway carried out a search of a residence in the College Road area of Galway City shortly before 10pm on Wednesday evening.

During the search they seized €34,500 worth of suspected crack cocaine and heroin, along with €4,000 in cash.

The value of the different suspected drugs was €26,000 worth of crack cocaine, and €8,500 worth of heroin, pending analysis.

One man in his mid 20s was arrested yesterday evening in connection with this seizure. He has since been released.

A file is now being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.