Just five COVID patients hospitalised in Galway


There are just five people in hospital with COVID-19 in Galway according to the latest figures from the HSE.

As of 8pm on Monday night there were five confirmed cases at University Hospital Galway, and none at Portiuncula.

There are a further four suspected cases hospitalised in Galway, two each at UHG and Portiuncula.

However the Intensive Care units in Galway remain empty of COVID patients.

Nationwide there were 290 confirmed and 122 suspected cases in hospital as of Monday night.

Of those 33 confirmed and 7 suspected cases are in the ICU, and a total of 21 people are on ventilators for COVID treatment.

There were just new confirmed cases reported in Galway yesterday, out of a national total of 252. Yesterday also saw no new deaths related to COVID-19 notified.