First vaccines to be administered in Clifden this week

galway daily news Vaccine booster clinic continuing today for people in their 50s

A new COVID-19 vaccination satellite centre in Clifden will open this week to administer vaccines to people in Connemara.

The centre is located at Clifden Community School and the first vaccines will be administered from tomorrow, Tuesday as part of a phased opening.

Vaccination teams will be administering vaccines one or two days per week, depending on demand.

Paul Hooton, Saolta Executive Lead for the rollout of the vaccination programme in the West and North West, said that they are delighted to be in a position to expand on the delivery of the vaccination programme by opening a satellite centre in Clifden.

“This centre will provide increased access to immunisation for the rural communities around Connemara,” he said.

Mr Hooton said that he expects that the centre will operate for one or two days per week, on vaccine supply and the number of people who have registered.

“We are committed to safely and effectively delivering the vaccination programme in line with the national COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Strategy and I would encourage anyone in the region aged 35 to 69 who has not yet registered for a vaccine to do so online at

“I would also like to acknowledge the West Connemara Leisure Centre Committee facility for providing an excellent facility for the use of vaccinations,” added Mr Hooton.

Breda Crehan Roche, Chief Officer Community Healthcare West, said the opening of the vaccination centre in Clifden was another important step in the rollout of the vaccine programme.

“We are delighted to work with our colleagues in the Saolta Hospital Group to improve access to the vaccine for people living in this region.

“I encourage everyone in the eligible age cohorts to register for a vaccine as soon as possible in order to have the best protection against COVID-19, including against the delta variant.”