Claringbridge roadworks begin after multiple delays

Galway Daily news Roadworks to disrupt traffic near Portumna on Tuesday

Roadworks on the N67 through Clarinbridge are getting underway today after being postponed on multiple occasions.

The road retexturing works will cause delays in the village as they are carried out over approximately three days, though steps have been taken to minimise the impact.

The daily schedule will be arranged around the busiest times of day for traffic in Clarinbridge when the schools open and close.

In order to accommodate dropping kids off at school and picking them up, works will not begin until after 9:30 each morning and will give way to traffic from 2:45pm to 3:15pm.

A traffic management plan will be in place during the rest of the day with a stop and go system in operation in Clarinbidge.

But working hours may have to extend into the evening to make up for any time lost during the day.