City cemeteries reopen Monday with restrictions

Galway Daily news Rahoon cemetery closed all day Wednesday

Bohermore and Rahoon cemeteries will reopen to visitors tomorrow with a range of social distancing restrictions in place.

The two cemeteries have been closed since early April by order of the city council due to the Covid-19 crisis.

When they reopen on Monday, May 18, the opening hours for the first week will 8am until 10:45am and 2pm until 6pm, Monday to Saturday.

On Sunday the opening hours will be 1:30pm until 4:15pm.

During the late morning, early afternoon period of 10:45am to 2pm the cemeteries will be closed to facilitate funerals.

The council is asking all visitors to leave, if required, during those times.

Restrictions on funeral attendance will remain in place for the foreseeable future, with attendance limited to a maximum of 10 people, immediate family only.

The council is also asking people to voluntarily give priority to the elderly and those who are cocooning from 8am to 9:30am each morning so they can visit in safety.

While visiting the cemetery people should practice strict social distancing, and in groups of four people at most.

No car parking will be permitted at the cemetery with the exception of cars that have a disabled parking permit.

“We request that anyone looking for information about the location of a grave would contact the City Council in advance at or (091)536400, as staff will not be available in the Cemetery to assist during this time”.

“Galway City Council would like to thank people for their patience on this matter and once again express sympathies with family and friends of the bereaved at this difficult time,” a council spokesperson said.

Tomorrow marks the first day of the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, with a number of public amenities reopening for the first time in weeks.

Along with cemeteries multiple parks in the city will open to visitors again including Salthill and Cappagh Park, subject to grass cutting.

Silverstrand beach will reopen, but other beaches in the city will remain closed, and Salthill Promenade will be open subject to social distancing.