Calls for people to shop local instead of online ahead of Christmas

shop local first galway daily online shopping

Portumna traders have called for people to ‘think local first’ and purchase their gifts from local outlets where possible.

Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years, and while it has many benefits, it takes business away from local outlets and affects the local economy.

Galway East TD Ciaran Cannon has welcomed this call for shoppers to shop local, saying that prospective shoppers should, before going online, bear in mind the support that local outlets give to the community and return that support where possible.

Minister Cannon said: “I’m very pleased to see the proactive approach being taken by the Portumna Chamber of Commerce which is an approach repeated right around this region of Galway by similar groups and traders.

“I certainly support the statement that keeping your business in your own town, keeps your town in business and keeps local people, be they suppliers or shop staff, in jobs.

“Prospective shoppers should bear in mind that this support keeps money in the local community, supports those who pay the rates that go back into enhancing local roads and infrastructure and also supports the shops who sponsor local teams, clubs, schools and initiatives.”