Africa Day to be celebrated virtually again this year

galway daily news africa day 2021

Africa Day will be celebrated online again this year, as in-person events cannot take place due to the pandemic.

Galway City Council and the Africa Day Team at the Department of Foreign Affairs are planning to celebrate the day on local and national social media channels on 29 May.

The City Council is supporting a number of community groups with their plans to mark Africa Day this year.

These events will be aimed at promoting a positive image of Africa, celebrating the vibrant cultural heritage of Africa and the contribution made to society by African communities and people of African descent.


African United Galway is planning a virtual celebration of Africa Day 2021, showcasing the diversities of cultural beauty that are present here in Galway.

The virtual event will also highlight the diversities of community contributions of various Africans to the society we live in.

The Galway African Diaspora is organising a virtual Africa Day 2021 event which will virtually bring together people from African descent and the local Galway community through music and performances from local community members.

A number of primary schools across Galway City will be taking part in the Show Racism the Red Card programme, organised by the FAI Development Officer.

This programme will be targeted to 5th and 6th class pupils which incorporates class-based videos to promote inclusion.

Each school will also research African history in advance as a class project to form part of the programme.

aYoruba Heritage, Art and Cultural Group of Ireland is organising a virtual showcase of vibrant cultural costumes which will also include a virtual showcase and demonstration of Africa’s food, artefacts and much more.

Galway Sports Partnership through the Ballybane/Doughiska Community Sports Hub is offering a number of online activities to celebrate Africa Day, including dance drumming, and capoeira.

The events can also be viewed and enjoyed on Galway City Council’s Facebook page.