JCI Galway hop to hospitals to deliver Easter eggs

Galway Daily life style JCI Galway hop to hospitals to deliver Easter eggs

While this Easter was far from normal, that didn’t stop the Galway branch of the Junior Chamber International from bringing a bit of chocolatey cheer to people on the front lines.

JCI Galway President Colleen Baxter delivered 300 donated Easter Eggs to medical workers at UHG, Bon Secours Hospital, and Galway Hospice during this year’s holiday.

The eggs were donated by various JCI branches around Ireland and the Harbour Hotel and Glenlo Abbey Hotel here in Galway.

Colleen said “One of the key pillars in JCI is working with the community and we wanted to thank the hard-working healthcare staff who are keeping us safe during these times.

“I was blown away by the donations we got from the JCI branches across the country and of course the Harbour Hotel and Glenlo Abbey Hotel. ”

Junior Chamber International is a global network for young professionals and entrepreneurs in their 20’s and 30’s which fosters leadership, networking, and social engagement projects.

The JCI Ireland branches have also launched their #CommunitySuperStars project where they are calling on the local community to nominate the people that are making a difference to their life during the pandemic, such as shop workers, neighbors, and farmers.

To nominate you only need to post a video, picture or text on social media tagging your
local JCI branch and #CommunitySuperStars.


image credit: JCI Galway/Facebook