Galway’s Dough Bros named among world’s Top 100 pizzerias

Galway Daily food & drink Galway's Dough Bros named among world's Top 100 pizzerias

Galway’s beloved Dough Bros have been crowned one of the Top 100 pizzerias in the entire world this week, and the single best in the country.

Ronan and Euegene Greaney were listed as the No. 79 best pizzeria in the world at the 50 Top Pizza awards in Naples, and were also named the Top Pizzeria in Ireland 2022.

The eponymous Bros had already been named the Best in Ireland at the 2021 awards, and held onto their title.

The judges for the competition praised Eugene and Ronan for their at home pizza kits, which proved a huge hit when lockdown kept people from their favourite restaurants.

The last two years have been very complicated for these brothers from Galway. However, the health crisis has made the two rethink their business strategy, leading them to decide on a new offer, a pizza which can be sent to all corners of the country.”

“The idea has been a resounding success, and now they are reaping the rewards. In fact, undeterred, they have refined their deliveries and they have developed a kit for making pizza at home.”

“The pizza is baked in a wood oven and if you live near Galway, you can pick it up without an extra charge.  On the other hand, delivery to any part of Ireland has a cost of €3.50 which is more than acceptable.”

“The dough is made to perfection and the selection of raw ingredients is always top quality.” 

The Dough Bros celebrated their win on social media, saying “Fuck the career high, this is a life high that will be hard beat.”

They also congratulated Anthony Mangieri of Una Pizza Napoletana, for claiming joint No. 1 position in the world.