Darren’s Diary – Kicking The Habit (Week 6) – Tuesday, 3rd April 


It’s been a strange couple of days since last we spoke.  Actually, always felt this could be one of the entries that would be hard to decide what way to go. 

I said my goodbyes to the daily diaries only three days ago so it seems odd to be writing another entry already.  Likewise, I was at a bit of a loss on Sunday and Monday evening as I missed sitting down to tell you about my day 🙂

I hope everyone had a great Easter and the eggs were enjoyed.  Had my fair share too.  Indeed, I ate a full one on Sunday which is pretty much the height of greed.  The girls got me a massive Crème Egg and like Joey Tribbani and the Thanksgiving dinner, I felt I had to give it a go.

Lesson learned from that experience.  When you’re nearly 40, you can’t eat a full Easter egg anymore!!!  Actually, when you are spoiled that much to get one that big, you can’t eat it in one sitting at any age!!!  Enjoy the treats but in moderation 🙂

However, back to the purpose of this article which is about my experiences quitting the cigarettes, I passed the second major test on Sunday night.

It was quite funny actually as we didn’t think on Saturday the option was there but Sinead and myself decided to go out Sunday night.  Neither of us had plans but we kind of talked each other into it and I’m glad we did.

I had said coming back from the ladies football match in Clonberne was that it was a pity we didn’t make plans as I was taking Monday off – a rare treat for a sports journalist.

We were still sticking with the ‘wine in’ plan when Sinead remembered that her cousin Lisa had suggested plans and came to me about it after she had a shower.

All of a sudden, we were both getting ready for a night out and as it had been a while since we did, there was an element of excitement to it.

Easter Sunday is always a good night out.  I can never remember a bad one.  Those who made sacrifices during Lent are free to indulge again.  And others are home for the long weekend and there generally does be a good atmosphere in town.

My only problem was that there was a plan to purchase Nicorette before Martin’s 40th in two weeks so there was a slight apprehension on my part.  But as it turned out, our spontaneity actually was a blessing.

Sinead was stocked up with Wrigley’s for me and we met Lisa and Declan in An Tain.  It was a nice night having the craic and there was a good crowd out there and also in Brewery Lane where we ventured after.

The cravings cropped up a couple of times but I took two gums from Sinead each time.  And when I did walk out to the smoking area in Brewery Lane (just to take the chewing gum out of my mouth), I was back in within 10 seconds as didn’t fancy the smell out there.

I always enjoy An Tain and am good friends with the manager Johnny Mulvihill.  Likewise, am delighted for Mike O’Brien that he finally got across the road after a good time in Maud Millars.  A great night!

We had a few drinks but nothing that delivered major hangovers after and we enjoyed Supermacs after.  But it was that night out for a few pints and I did it without smoking or nicotine gums.  And I really felt comfortable without them.

The smoking area in Brewery Lane was packed during my very brief time out there.  Not long ago, I might have been one of those sitting there.  I understand why pubs need smoking areas now but sometimes you feel it splits the crowd in two.

That being said, we had a good crowd in the main bar enjoying the music so it worked well.  And sure, I’ll never be allowed give out about smoking areas now just because I quit.  Sure, didn’t my own story with Sinead start over a conversation in a smoking area 😉

Otherwise, the Bank Holiday Weekend has been very relaxing.  We watched Jurassic Park yesterday and along with some soaps and Red Rock, we didn’t over exert much afterwards.

And today has been just being catching up with reports and I decided to give working the full day in Taughmaconnell a go.  Bar a couple of interruptions from the five-year-old supervisor (🙂), it hasn’t been too bad.

Next week, we’ll have a full week to chat about and more to tell you.  But six weeks have been completed.  And that’s cool 🙂
