Saturday 21st July – Irish Writers Union creative writing workshop

creative writing gawlay

The Irish Writers Union’s creative writing workshop will be held in the Westside Library, Seamus Quirke Rd, Galway this Saturday, 21 July.

The IWU will deliver the workshop which will focus on the short story and is aimed at those who wish to explore their inner writer.

The workshop will last a full day and afterwards, the attendees will submit their short story to the facilitator and it will be critiqued.

The cost of the workshop is a nominal €10 and places are limited and it is free to IWU members.

Author,blogger, journalist and playwright, Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, will be the facilitator of the workshop.
Phil’s works have been professionally performed in both Ireland the UK.
His debut novel “The Squad” has just been published by Frontline Noir.

Book your place by contacting