Just One Week to Go Until the Mock Wedding being held by Ros na Rún

Mock Wedding Ros na Rún - Galway Daily

Ros na Rún are known for their secrets and their upcoming Mock Wedding is the best yet.

Preparations for a real wedding wouldn’t be as hectic as the cast and crew of the TG4 soap, Ros na Rún make last minute preparations for their upcoming Mock Wedding on Saturday November 24th in aid of charity.

Tickets are on sale in the Ros na Rún studio in An Spideál for the event which will be attended by guest of honour, Jimmy Buckley, who will not only play a few songs but spread his contagious good bubbly humour.

Video featuring some of the actors talking about the Mock Wedding and the Tickets

As the cast learn their lines for this event, tweaks are made to the script and how it all pans out is top secret. What the organisers can reveal is that for €35 a ticket, guests can enjoy being part of a wedding party in the Galway Bay Hotel in Salthill that Saturday, starting with a drinks reception at 5pm, followed by the ceremony and the wedding meal rounded off with live music and dancing.

Monies raised will go towards Cancer Care West and the Gavin Glynn Foundation, an Irish based organisation helping families with children who have cancer.

Video featuring the actors on why they chose the specific Charities

Tickets can also be bought online https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rosnarn/210686

Get your ticket now and don’t miss out on what is promised to be a brilliant evening, full of drama, fun, music and dance all in aid of charity.