Friday – Filius Meus Music for Good Friday

filius meus

Filius Meus Music for Good Friday
Friday, March 30 @ 5pm
St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church
Tickets €15/€13.50 concession or €6 for students

COLLEGIUM with ADRIAN MANTU (cello) directed by MARK DULEY

Mark Duley has once again devised a programme for this special day.

The title of the concert – the cry of the bereaved parent – is elucidated in complementary settings of prophetic Old Testament scripture.

Mary’s lament for her son dead upon the cross is foreshadowed in David’s grief at the death in battle of his son Absalom, and Rachel’s weeping in Ramah for her lost children.

Hear choral works around this theme from the 16th, 17th and 21st centuries.

All are welcome!