Full event programme for Culture Night 2022 in Galway city

Galway News - What's On - Culture Night 2018

The full listings for Culture Night 2022 in Galway have been released with dozens of events organised across the city on Friday 22 September.

Two hundred artists are participating in a diverse programme of visual arts, music, film and storytelling at locations across the city.

Culture Night 2022 full listings



Launch of a documentary film produced and directed by members of Access for All, an award-winning community network of groups and individuals in Galway. A unique cultural perspective with an enlightening look at the lives of people living in Galway with disabilities. Film followed by Panel discussion.

Westside Resource Centre



  • 4:00pm – 6:00pm Galway Soapbox Science 2022

Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women and non-binary scientists and the science they do. Remarkable women and non-binary scientists who are there to amaze you with their latest discoveries. Look out for bat simulators, interactive experiments or giant pictures of volcanoes. 

Spanish Arch


  • 4:00pm – 5:00pm Teen Clay Pumpkin decorating workshop.

The teen workshops are directed at students from first to third year secondary School students.

The teen workshops are being organised with Aoife Natsumi Frehan in liaison with Direct provision. They won’t be open to the public and will be run from the direct provision centre in salthill.

  • 4:00pm – 9:00pm Refracted Masters in Creative Practice, Graduate Showcase 2022

Presenting the work of Johnathan Connolly, Shane Joseph Curry, Dawid Janek, Vanessa Jordan, Kacper Krysinski, Teresa Lavina, Gavin Lennon and Paul Rowland.

ATU School of Design & Creative Arts, Wellpark, Galway


  • 4:00pm – 12:00am JOLLY CREATIONS

A display of new sculptures made from recycled material by local artist James Fleming. 

This sculpture will be on display in the window of Tigh Neachtain

Tigh Neachtain


  • 5:00 – 8:00pm Multinational Food Event

United Women Galway will celebrate “Authentic Food” from a minimum of 8 Nationalities. Traditional music will be played from different countries. 

OLBC Hall, Sea Road, Galway, Ireland https://culturenight.ie/event/multinational-food-event/

  • 5:00pm – 6:00pm Reading and Talk by Margaretta D’Arcy

Reading from Margaretta’s father Joseph D’Arcy’s letters from when he was an IRA prisoner in Mountjoy Prison during The Irish Civil War 1922 to his mother. Plus other extracts from her autobiography about him and an historical over view of the Irish Civil War and mounted Art Work. Followed by a discussion. With help and support from his grand son Finn Arden

10 St Bridget’s Place Lower Woodquay Galway. H91 P9TC https://culturenight.ie/event/letters-from-my-father/

  • 5:00pm – 7:00pm Exploring your Inner Creativity

This workshop “Exploring Your Inner Creativity”aim to connect with our inner artist. The workshop is open to everyone, for those creatives who want to deepen and explore their vision of their creativity and for those who consider that creativity has been lost along the way.

Ah sure, look it. Gift shop. https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-workshop-exploring-your-inner-creativity-410458220587


  • 5.00 go dtí 7.00 Taispeántas Stuaim Láimhe le Máirtín Davy

Sa Taispeántas Stuaim Láimhe seo léirítear Módh Déanta an Taispeántais ón mbunábhar go críoch an phíosa chómh maith leis na céimeanna éagsúla ó tús go deire agus an fhoclaíocht dhá-theangach a théann leis. Freisin taispeántar bealaigh éagsúla leis an píosa a críochnú. Westside Resource Centre


  • 5:00pm -11:00pm The Super-Silent-Disko-Marathon

Super-Silent-Disko-Marathon throughout the entirety of the evening. Playlists will be determined by the contributions of the community in advance. Headphones provided on the night.” Commercial Boat Club


  • 5:00pm – 7:00pm Lig le do chruthaitheacht linn | Connect with your creativity!

Celebrate Culture Night at Just Art It and have fun connecting your creativity with hands-on print demonstrations led by visual artist and printmaker Elena Santos in the studio. 

Just Art it, Dominic Street


  • 5:00pm – 8:00pm THALASSA – Sounds of the Sea

A night of music and marine life, in the deep ocean depths of Galway Atlantaquaria. Featuring Francis Heery, Galway Ukers, and Eugene Lambe, it promises to be an eclectic mix of sea and sound. 



  • 5:00pm – 7:00pm Do You Speak Sound? 

An interactive walkabout piece from Galway’s own Sovereign Shaman-in-Residence, The Curly Organ. Keep your eyes peeled on the streets for bobble-hatted man offering you a set of headphones. 

Cross Street


  • 5:00pm – 7:00pm The Road to Nature

An evening of music and drama as a cultural response to threats against our natural world.” Merlin Woods Community Garden, Doughiska Road, Galway, Ireland https://culturenight.ie/event/the-road-to-nature/


  • 6:00pm to 6:30pm Revolution in Galway, 1913–1923 Join Brendan McGowan, Education & Outreach Officer, for a guided tour of the Museum’s Revolution in Galway, 1913–1923
  • 6.30pm to 7pm Keepers of the Gael Join Damien Donnellan, Education & Exhibitions Assistant, for a guided tour of the Museum’s Keepers of the Gael exhibition
  • 7pm to 7.30pm Join Eithne Verling, Director, for a guided tour of the Museum’s MONUMENT exhibition.

Booking Email museum@galwaycity.ie or call (091) 532460. 

  • 6:00pm – 7.30pm and 8:00 – 9.30pm Pumpkins and Prosecco

Forge Artists Aoife Natsumi Frehan and Emma O’ Toole will deliver two Pumpkins and Prosecco workshops. The workshops will be a fun and inclusive introduction to ceramics.

Get a chance to experience what it feels like to create in a shared artists studio space.

Forge Clay Studios



  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm Galway Cartoon Festival Programme Launch

Galway cartoon festival will present a Culture Night event at the Galway Distillery premises featuring the opening of our exhibition “Moon Cartoons” and the launch of the 2022 Festival Programme with cartoonists on hand for caricatures and live drawing sessions and a range of drawing materials for visitors to join in the fun!

The Galway Distillery


  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm Culture Night at the Galway City Library

Readings of poetry and fiction from writers: Jimi McDonnell, Aoibheann McCann, Sacha White & Simon Costello. Followed by the performance of a short play written by Anthony Daly. Galway City Library


  • 6:00pm – 7.30pm Pictiúir Daite D’Árann Ársa – Old Aran In Colour

Dr Sarah-Anne Buckley present a colourised collection of photographs taken on the three Aran Islands are coming to the University of Galway’s Arts Millennium Building for Culture Nigh. Breslin and Buckley have collaborated with Inis Oírr-based composer MacDara Ó Conaola to co-create a soundtrack around the exhibition photographs. The launch of this exhibition will be preceded by a talk by Breslin and Buckley, with accompanying live music by Ó Conaola for the occasion. 

Arts Millennium Building https://culturenight.ie/event/pictiuir-daite-darann-arsa-old-aran-in-colour/

  • 6:00pm – 7:00pm Storytelling by Eddie Lenihan: Galway Arts Centre at Nuns Island Theatre

A very special storytelling event by master storyteller, seanchaí and author Eddie Lenihan. Sharing Irish heritage and history for over 50 years, Eddie Lenihan has dedicated his life to collecting Irish oral histories and stories and publishing over 17 books. Expect some spine-tingling scary stories for older children and adults!

Nun’s Island Theatre https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/culture-night-2022-storytelling-by-eddie-lenihan-tickets-404705042677?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete

  • 6:00pm – 9:00pm Creativity is Life

A collaborative visual art exhibition by the newly formed West End Art Collective, a wide range of styles provoked by a range of themes from Nature to Mental health.

2 Dominick st upper


  • 6:00pm – 11:00pm 4’33’’ and Walking with Your Ears

To mark the 70th anniversary of John Cage’s masterpiece 4’33’’ Eugene McKeown will hold a short presentation on Quiet Spaces and how to Soundwalk The event will repeat every half hour from 6pm to 9pm at the river walk off Bridge Street and will include a performance of 4’33’’ by all participating.

Bridge Street, Galway, Ireland https://culturenight.ie/event/433-and-walking-with-your-ears/

  • 6:00pm – 10:00pm “Concrete x Canvas” Group Exhibition

Outset Gallery, Middle Street, Galway, Ireland https://culturenight.ie/event/concrete-x-canvas-group-exhibition/

  • 6:00pm – 10:00pm MART Galway Open Studio

MART’s members will be on site to open their studios up and chat with the public. 

MART Gallery & Studios is an artist-led arts organisation based in Dublin and Galway founded MART Studios Fr Griffin Rd Galway, 5 Father Griffin Road, Galway, H91 VX06 https://culturenight.ie/event/mart-galway-open-studios/

  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm The Fixers

An evening of live outdoor music by the band The Fixers. Including special guest musician, singer and dancer Paul Moran. This event is suitable for all ages. Traditional Irish music outside in the square of the ‘small crane’, weather permitting. Hosted by Mick Crehan and Crane Bar staff, patrons can look forward to an evening of music, song and dance.

The Crane Bar


  • 6:00pm – 9:00pm Charlie Byrne’s Annual Reading from Newly-Published Galway Authors

The Iconic Galway city centre bookshop hosts the now traditional Culture Night literary gathering which invites readings by every author living in Galway who  has had a book published in the 12 months since the last Culture Night. It is what could be called a carousel 

event as audiences can come and go at intervals over the course of the evening as writers read a short selection from their published books which feature fiction, non-fiction and poetry. 

Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop https://culturenight.ie/event/charlie-byrnes-annual-reading-from-newly-published-galway-authors

  • 7:00pm – 8.30pm Stardom – A rehearsed reading 

Eva’s Echo Theatre company will perform a rehearsed reading of a new play Stardom at Palas Cinema as part of Culture Night 2022. This new dark comedy explores the glitzy and disorientating world of reality TV. By taking a look behind the curtain these artists are examining why humiliation makes “good TV” and how the media we consume affects our view of reality.

The performance will be followed by an optional Q & A.”

Pálás Cinema



  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm Making Community Radio – A Glimpse behind the Mic

Residents of Galway Cheshire House will join Seamus Gallagher from Kinvara Community Radio to host an evening of informative interviews with inspirational characters. Refreshments will be provided and an opportunity to meet and mingle with the Residents of Galway Cheshire House & get an insight into Galway Cheshire House. Due to the nature of this Disability Service, places will be limited to ensure Covid-19 safety. All attendees will be required to wear a mask for the event, and adhere to Covid-19 safety protocols. 

Galway Cheshire House



7:00pm – 9:00pm Reading at Engage Studios

Join Engage Art Studios for a special event where acclaimed author Claire-Louise Bennett will read from her celebrated recent novel Checkout 19, with Q&A. To accompany this, artist Ruby Wallis will exhibit a selection of collage works from their collaborative project I Know, But Only Just.

Engage Art Studios


  • 7:00pm – 7.15pm & 8;00pm- 8.15pm Galway Rape Crisis Centre

Galway Rape Crisis Centre are opening their doors on Culture Night so that the community they serve can come in and meet the people within the organisation. The Active Consent programme based at the University of Galway is partnering with Galway Rape Crisis Centre to present an 

excerpt from their original play The Kinds of Sex You Might Have at College. GRCC will be providing a Creative Response room in which individuals can respond creatively to the content presented on Culture Night.

Galway Rape Crisis Centre https://culturenight.ie/event/galway-rape-crisis-centre-opening-doors-on-culture-night-2022/

  • 7:00 – 9:00pm Bring to Life: The Human Puppetry Drama Workshop

Combining Movement, Drama Exercises, and the fundamental elements of Puppetry, participants will explore the human form within the performance space. Booking is essential as spaces are limited.

Email galwaytheatrefestival@gmail.com

Studio 1 O’Donoghue Centre


  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm The ad hoc choir singing workshop

This workshop will give people a chance to sing in a group, learn some voice exercises to get ready for singing, learn simple songs and experience singing without judgement. All ages and abilities are welcome, although adults will have to accompany children.

Knocknacarra Community Centre, Liosmór https://culturenight.ie/event/the-ad-hoc-choir-singing-workshop/

  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm The Claddagh Basin Session @ Raven Terrace

After a summer of sailing Bádóirí an Chladaigh return to the Claddagh Basin as hosts and lighted backdrop to present BackWest, Galway’s ” Trad Super group”, Róisín Mulliez, a jazz vocalist, accompanied by Jimmy Fitz (Fitzgerald) guitarist, music producer and music teacher. With very special guests the 16 piece Sonics Strings Youth Orchestra of Coole Music under the artistic direction of Katharina Baker.

Claddagh Basin, Canal Road Upper, Galway, Ireland https://culturenight.ie/event/the-claddagh-basin-session-raven-terrace/

  • 3 showings: 7.30pm, 8.30pm and 9.30pm (30-40min each) Misleór Illuminated

A stunning outdoor visual experience, featuring images from nomadic artists, cultures and communities. Showcasing the local Traveller community, Tibetan nomads, the Bajau (sea nomads) and more.

Ballybane Community Resource Centre

8.30pm: Westside Library, Seamus Quirke Rd, Galway

9.30pm: Claddagh Basin (Galway Hookers)




  • 7.30pm – 11.30pm Strange Brew : Culture Night showcase

Strange Brew presents a dazzling array of musicians performing at the Roisin Dubh as part of Culture Night 2022. Tracy Bruen, Paddy Hanna, Eoin Dolan, Bríd Kenny, Stevie Healy, Bees & Sawdust will all be featured on the night.

Róisin Dubh


  • 7.30pm – 9:00pm Choir Culture Galway With the IGNITE gospel Choir and the VILLAGE Community choir Salthill  

A night of great uplifting singing from 2 of Galway’s finest choirs. The IGNITE gospel choir singing gospel greats and the VILLAGE Choir performing modern contemporary music. Sing-a-long encouraged! 

St Jospeh’s Church


  • 7.30 – 9:00pm GOCOM Culture Café and Screening of ‘Our Words, One Voice.GOCOM Radio is Ireland’s first ethnic minority interest and multilingual online community radio, we want to celebrate diversity and richness of our cultures as a community. In collaboration with ARD Family Resource Centre, the Centre will be premiering a short film, ‘Our Words, One Voice’, directed by Mia Mullarkey. GOCOM Radio will be interviewing the casts, crew and guests; playing music, bringing in a music Act, and food.

ARD Family Resource Centre


  • 7.30pm – 8.15pm Scout Campfire of songs and sketches

Scout campfires are a mix of songs, stories and sketches around an open fire. 14th Galway Scout Group is the largest Scout Group in Galway and provides an active outdoor first scout programme to our membership from 6 to 21. All campfires end with the traditional s’more (a roasted marshmallow between two chocolate biscuits) and hot chocolate. 

St. Joseph’s Community Centre


  • 8:00pm – 12:00am Gaeltacht in the City (Gaeltacht na Cathrach)

Fíbín sa Taibhdhearc will transform Middle Street into a dreamlike pop-up Gaelteacht. Led by a brass band, audiences will be dazzled by a series of surreal performance art pieces erupting on every corner of the street. Fiachra Davoren, Sibéal Davitt, Julie Feeney, Kate Finnegan, Galvian Way, Grooviculous, Macmathúna, and the 424 Route Brass Band.Gaeltacht in the City (Gaeltacht na Cathrach) 

 Middle Street


  • 8:00pm – 9.30pm The Women of the 1916 Easter Rising

The stories of the women of the 1916 Easter Rising as told by their relatives and historians. This documentary tells how a cross section of women in society were represented in one of the most famous weeks in Irish history.


  • 8:00pm – 10:00pm Culture Night – Eyre Square Screening with Galway City of Film

Galway City of Film facilitated by Ardán, and with the support of Galway City Council, will be celebrating Culture Night with a special public screening in Eyre Square. The programme will include films from short Documentary Scheme, the 48 Hour Challenge, and the Misleór Bursary and will show different examples of the amazing filmmaking going on in Galway City.

Eyre Square


  • 8:00pm – 8:30pm, 8:45-9:15pm and 9:30-10pm Galway Deaf Culture

An insight into Deaf culture and the Galway Deaf Centre. Three 30 minute sessions. Each session will have a mini Irish sign language class, handing out the ABC in Irish Sign Language. An introduction to equipment that Deaf people use to access everyday life. Culture night coincides with International day of Sign Languages. https://wfdeaf.org/iwdeaf2022/  part of International week of the Deaf (19 to 25 September 2022). It’s timely to celebrate Deaf culture as part of Culture night.

Galway Mechanics Institute https://culturenight.ie/event/galway-deaf-culture-an-insight-and-overview/

  • 8:00pm – 11:00pm Cogar Cois Cladaigh- “Whispers by the Claddagh”

Cogar Cois Cladaigh -“Whispers by the Claddagh” recounts the story of how the Claddagh ring came into being. Mesmerised by the lore, animation and ambience, the audience will experience an interactive storytelling event in the heart of mediaeval Galway city.

The experience will be shared online. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/cogar-cois-cladaigh-mesmerising-lore-animation-and-ambience-tickets-413773847717


  • 8:00pm to 9:00pm The Galway Baytones with Special Guest Gerry Hanberry

An informal evening of song hosted by Galway’s premier male a capella vocal group, The Galway Baytones. Gerry Hanberry, whose unique blend of poetry and song has entertained Galway audiences for many years.

St. Nicholas Collegiate Church


  • 8:00pm – 12:00am (Main Audiovisual Show from 22:00 – 23:00) Sensorial Displacement An Audiovisual 

Soundscapes and Live Video Mapping by marQu v. Featuring a Musical collaboration with marQu vr and Grooviculous in front of the Mayoralty House on Cross Street. Bassist Doctor Broonstone and his associate Professor Spicebag on percussion.

Mayoralty House, Merchants Road https://culturenight.ie/event/sensorial-displacement-an-audiovisual-journey-presented-by-marqu-vr/

  • 9:00pm – 10.30pm David Larkin Sings Percy French

David brings the legacy of Percy French right back into the limelight. Using his unique singing style and performative abilities with superb accompaniment he rejuvenates some of the best known French ballads, his rousing interpretations emphasising the theatrical shenanigans, humour, rhythmic delight and narrative of the songs.

The Crane Bar


  • 9:00pm – 10:00pm Array Collective in Conversation: Galway Arts Centre

Join the artists of the Array Collective in a lively chat and Q&A about their Turner Prize winning work The Druthaib’s Ball currently on exhibit in Galway Arts Centre.

47 Dominick Street https://culturenight.ie/event/array-collective-in-conversation-galway-arts-centre-47-dominick-street/


  • 10:00pm – 12:00am Traditional Irish Music Session as part of The Druthaib’s Ball: Galway Arts Centre @ Nuns Island Theatre

Ceol agus craic in the unique setting of the immersive installation of The Druthaib’s Ball with traditional Irish musicians Ciarán de Burca + Cairde in this open trad session! Expect traditional Irish music, singing and chat and the invitation to join in a sing song! All taking place in the centre of a unique and immersive Turner Prize winning artists installation! 

Presented in partnership with Áras na nGael.

No booking required, but first come, first serve due to limited capacity.

Nun’s Island Theatre https://culturenight.ie/event/traditional-irish-music-session-as-part-of-the-druthaibs-ball-galway-arts-centre-nuns-island-theatre/

  • 10:00pm – 12:00am Beyond The Gate

The Black Gate presents BEYOND THE GATE, a hybrid evening of literature and music curated by The Black Gate and featuring some of Galway’s finest and most prolific writers and performers. Alan McMonagle, Eva Bourke and Anna Mullarkey

The Mick Lally Theatre
