Criticism levelled over lack of Kilcolgan pedestrian crossing


The TII has been criticised for not supporting the installation of pedestrian crossings at badly in need towns and villages like Kilcolgan.

Galway East TD Ciarán Cannon said that he has been working with the village of Kilcolgan, which is divided by the N67, and lacks a controlled pedestrian crossing.

In the village of approximately 1,000 people it is “not safe to cross over and back” across the road that divides, he said while speaking in the Dáíl.

The Galway East TD inquired with county council engineers about the possibility of having a pedestrian crossing put in, but received a negative response.

Deputy Cannon said that he was advised that TII guidance states that a controlled pedestrian crossing may lead to an increase in collisions, as pedestrians do not remain alert for oncoming vehicles when they have the green light.

“That is the culture we need to eliminate, a Leas-Cheann Comhairle, and we need to do it very soon or this carnage will continue,” Ciarán Cannon said.

This was during a Dáil debate on road safety issues, where Deputy Cannon said that Ireland has been going backwards on road deaths this year.