COVID-19: 1,059 more cases reported today

Galway Daily news Galway hospitals see COVID cases double in recent weeks

There have been a further 1,059 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported by the Department of Health today.

As of this morning there were 308 COVID patients hospitalised in Ireland. Of these, 59 are in the intensive care unit.

Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, said that people have expressed concerns about how to maintain safe social life and physical activities moving into the winter period.

“We are all familiar with the measures that will continue to keep us safe from COVID-19,” Tony Holohan said, adding that vaccination remains the best means of protection, including against being hospitalised.

“There are still some people who haven’t yet taken up the opportunity of vaccination, or who have delayed receiving a second dose for various reasons.”

“I strongly encourage anyone who is in this position to ensure they get fully vaccinated as soon as possible in order to best protect themselves and those around them.”

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has said that there have been no deaths related to COVID among people who are vaccinated, and under 50 years old.