Visiting restrictions eased at Galway University Hospitals


Visiting restrictions at University Hospital Galway and Merlin Park Hospital will be eased from Monday 21 June.

From Monday, the hospitals will be allowing one visitor per inpatient each day with visiting times from 2pm to 3pm and from 7pm to 8pm.

Visits to the hospitals must be pre-arranged by family members or visitors, who should contact the relevant ward or unit in advance.

They will need to complete a COVID-19 screening checklist on entry to the hospital.

Galway University Hospitals say that is important that visitors continue to follow all the public health guidance, including wearing face masks and washing hands regularly.

The hospitals are also requesting that where possible, approved visitors will have received a COVID-19 vaccination, to minimise the risk to patients.

It is recommended that children do not visit the hospitals, unless agreed in advance on compassionate grounds with the ward or Unit manager.

Guidelines on Maternity Visiting at UHG

Galway University Hospitals say the Maternity visiting restrictions at UHG are being continually reviewed taking into account community transmission rates, local infrastructure within the unit and staffing.

The Maternity Department at UHG is currently allowing birthing partners of women in labour and partners can attend a caesarean section done under regional anaesthesia.

Partners may visit St Catherine’s Ward and St Angela’s Ward from 2pm to 3pm and from 7pm to 8pm.

Parents of an infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit may visit, one parent at a time. Fathers can visit for two hours.

A partner or support person may attend for the Dating scan (12 to 13+6 week) and the anomaly (20 week) scan.