Plans submitted for new Lidl in Westside

Galway Daily news Green light for new Lidl supermarket in Moycullen

Plans have been submitted to the city council for a new Lidl store at the site of the former Arch Motors on the Seamus Quirke Road.

Lidl Ireland are seeking planning permission to demolish the existing two storey Arch Motors building in Westside and to build a new discount supermarket in its place.

The single storey building will have a gross floor space of 1,771sq metres and a net retail area of 1,193sq metres including an off licence.

The development will also include the provision of associated car parking, free standing and building mounted signage, and a free standing trolley bay and enclosure outside.

Also needing to be built are a  refrigeration and air conditioning plant and equipment, roof mounted solar panels, public lighting, hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking, boundary treatments, revisions to existing vehicular and pedestrian access points.

This location is close to an existing Aldi store which is located at West City Centre Park just off the Seamus Quirke Road

No changes will be made to Monaghans newsagents and filling station adjoining.

Public submissions concerning this development can be made to the city council up until January 11.

A ruling on whether to grant planning permission for this Lidl store is due by February 1.