Galway schools seek musicians and music tutors for Music Generation Galway

Galway Daily life & style GRETB seeks music tutors for Galway schools

The Galway Roscommon Education and Training Board is seeking suitably qualified musicians and music tutors to help deliver a quality music education programme across Galway city and county.

Music Tutors are sought who can motivate children to love music, work well as part of a team, and understand how to teach in a group setting where things will tend to get loud.

The Music Generation programme seeks to “provide opportunities for children and young people to access a range of high quality, subsidised vocal and instrumental tuition in their local area”.

In Galway it is seeking to recruit musicians and music tutors who can help facilitate: small-group tuition in vocal or instrumental music, large-group tuition (vocal/instrumental) in early-years and primary school settings, and ensemble and band training and mentoring including song-writing, composition, music technology, and instrumental training.

Music Tutors are also being sought who can teach singing, popular music, and classical musical in association with the Symphonic Waves Youth Orchestra.

Music Generation is Ireland’s National Music Education Programme and is co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and Local Music Education Partnerships.

Tutors and musicians will be appointed by the GRETB in the city and county. More information and application forms are available at, and must be submitted by noon on April 23.