Heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic to be immortalised in new art competition

frontline nurse heroes covid-19 galway daily painting art

Young artists are being asked to immortalise the everyday heroes of the coronavirus pandemic by submitting their original portraits to a new competition launched today.

‘Draw Our Heroes’ is encouraging children and teenagers to submit paintings of these heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic, which might include a Mum who is a doctor on the frontline, a Dad working from home and keeping them entertained, or a grandmother cocooning.

They could also be any healthcare or frontline worker – including carers, porters, firefighters, the ambulance service, gardai, army personnel and shop assistants, among others.

The organisers of this new art initiative point out that while COVID-19 has brought great sadness, grief and fear, it has also brought us closer as a nation and as families.

The competition aims to recognise and celebrate the many different professions and people who are bravely working to bring Ireland safely through the pandemic.

Competition originator Richard Mulcahy said that these heroes come in many forms.

“This competition will be a way to connect children directly with that concept and to draw on children’s creative flair to acknowledge the incredible stance being taken by an extraordinary range of our citizens operating every day in the face of great adversity.

“I have two brothers who are doctors and are part of the amazing group of front-line workers in Ireland fighting for all our lives. I felt I wanted to do something to help honour all these amazing people,” he said.

He also acknowledged the great support from Uniphar’s Life and Allcare pharmacies who are generously sponsoring Draw Our Heroes.

T”hey are an incredible organisation in the work they do and have been very supportive in many of charitable initiatives I have run,” added Richard Mulcahy.

The drawings will initially be placed online, and a public exhibition is planned for later in the year as a permanent tribute to the heroic efforts of thousands of our citizens throughout the pandemic.

A prize pool of just under €5000 will be awarded to the top 12 entries across 4 age categories. Their hero subjects will also receive a matched prize.

The competition is open to any person up to and including 18 years of age.   

Celebrated artist Graham Knuttel and RTE broadcaster Joe Duffy will lead the panel of judges for this exciting competition.