Visiting by appointment reintroduced at UHG & Merlin Park


Visiting by appontment only has been reintroduced at UHG and Merlin Park Hospital the Saolta Group has confirmed today.

From today, visits to patients at UHG and Merlin Park Hospital can be made by appointment, and in limited numbers and time periods.

Access for visiting is limited to one person, per patient per day within the following times:

  • 2pm – 3pm
  • 6pm – 7pm

Visits must be pre-arranged by family members / visitors, who should contact the relevant ward or unit in advance.

Visitors are requested to keep the time they spend as short as is practical.

Children should not visit the hospital at this time unless agreed in advance, on compassionate grounds, with the ward manager.

In line with current national guidance in relation to visiting hospitals, visitors will be asked to produce their EU Digital COVID Certificate or HSE COVID-19 Vaccination Record or other proof of immunity at the entrance.

Visitors may be asked to show some photo ID to prove that the proof of immunity is theirs.

There are exemptions from the requirement for the EU Digital COVID Certificate or HSE COVID-19 Vaccination Record or other proof of immunity on compassionate grounds.

Visitors will be required to wear a surgical mask and perform good hand hygiene regularly during their visit to the hospital.

Anyone planning to visit the hospital is asked to delay their visit if they have any symptoms of COVID-19, have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.

There are separate arrangements in place for access to the maternity department for nominated support partners.