Two incomplete paths in Ballinasloe are ‘critical concern’ for pedestrian safety

galway daily news cllr evelyn parsons at a path in ballinasloe

A meeting between Galway County Council Active Travel Team and the National Transport Authority is scheduled to discuss projects which have been paused pending an NTA review.

The issue was raised at the Ballinasloe Municipal District Meeting by Cllr Evelyn Parsons who stated that active travel projects like Beechlawn and Poolboy paths and others needed to be progressed urgently.

She said that the paths were left incomplete and are a critical concern regarding ongoing pedestrian safety which is a top priority.

“I’m urging that they are expedited to completion without further delay,” said Cllr Parsons, who added that there had already been a huge input of council resources from competent staff on projects including Beechlawn and Poolboy among others.

“Despite having worked hard to put in place successful funding, tenders, contracts along with cooperation of landowners and residents, further phases of the project have now inexplicably stalled.

“We learn a year into the project that the NTA are now reviewing previously submitted successful active travel applications.”

Cllr Parsons said that it is moving the goalposts late into the game and looks like work duplication where she would question if it’s the most appropriate use of taxpayers money in a time of tight resources.

“There’s no doubt paths submitted in Beechlawn, Poolboy and elsewhere are needed to provide safe routes to school and to connect services, residential and commercial centres.

“Active travel projects are placed on a slow expensive path to nowhere unless there is joined up thinking at National level leading to joined up paths locally – there is need in central government to quickly step up support for the work of local authorities.”