Council approves open plan design for Ceannt Station revamp


Galway City Council has approved plans for a more open design in a revamped Ceannt Station.

Iarnrod Eireann has received planning permission to amend already approved plans for a significant redevelopment of the station.

These will involve the partial removal of three internal walls in the northern buildings, leaving their upper portions in place.

In addition, the floor level on the eastern side of the building is to be lowered by 180mm to bring it in line with the rest of the station.

Planning permission was granted by the city council for the amended plans with eight conditions attached.

Among these, the council required that a conservation architect and archaeologist must be hired to monitor all works on the protected structure.

Stone taken from the walls that are to be altered must be reused somewhere else on the site, and plans submitted to the council for how that is to be done.

The archaeologist must also monitor all ground works for potential archaeologically important material.

On the completed structure, no “security shutters, canopies, projecting signs, projecting spotlights, or other additions” can be added without further approval from the council.

Iarnrod Eireann said that the removal of the internal walls is necessary for the free movement of passengers through the station.

The floor on the eastern side of the building needs to be lowered so that it is fully accessible to passengers with mobility issues. 

The “cellular layout” of the original 18th century Ceannt Station design is not suitable for the far greater levels of traffic in a modern train station, the application stated.

“These works are essential for the station to operate successfully as they will open up the space, leaving users in no doubt where to access the platforms,” planning documents said.

Planning permission was first granted for a major redevelopment of Ceannt Station back in 2014, and then extended for a further five years in 2019.

The expansion and renovation of the station will ultimately see an additional 2,336sqm of concourse and platform space added to make it more functional as a hub for rail travel.

Other improvements to the station will include the construction of a glazed entrance building, and a partially glazed new roof, to replace the existing structure.

New pedestrian entrances and ticketing facilities will also be added to make it more accessible for people traveling, along with multiple other improvements.