Calls for park and ride service from Galway Airport

Galway daily news Salthill car parks reopen after run of bad weather

A City Councillor is calling for the establishment of a park and ride service from Galway Airport to the city to make proper use of the council owned site.

Councillor Alan Cheevers says that Galway Airport has been in the ownership of the city and county councils for nine years now, and that it’s time for an “ambitious plan” to better utilise the 115 acre site.

A previous effort to create a similar park and ride service failed because there was no dedicated bus lane into Parkmore or the city at the time Cllr Cheevers says.

The week the city and county councils’ Corporate Policy Group is due to meet and discuss creating a park and ride facility at Ardaun.

But Councillor Cheevers says that the airport would be a superior location with “infrastructure in place and over 300 carparking spaces” already available.