Bus Eireann introduces year round Clifden – Westport service

Galway Daily news school transport deadline 2023

Bus Eireann has introduced a year round service connecting Clifden and Westport, which previously only ran in the summer.

Route 423 is now running three buses a day from Clifden to Westport, with times which have been chosen to link in with onward bus and rail services to Dublin, Castlebar, Ballina, Athlone, and Achill.

The buses leave from Clifden Library at 7am, 11:25am, and 4pm from Monday to Sunday.

Along the way to Westport the route stops at Moyard, Letterfrack, Kylemore, Recess Cross, Salruck Cross, and Leenane in Galway.

Stops in Co. Mayo on Route 423 include Cuslough, Knappagh, Westport (Mill St), and Westport (Railway Station).

The returning service from Westport departs from the railway station every day at 8:45am, 1:10pm, and 6pm.

The full timetable for the new service can be viewed online here.

From Q1 of next year it is expected that the route will have low floor accessible buses.