Year long Galway City roadworks getting underway today

Galway Daily news Traffic delays from N59 roadworks in Galway City

Work is beginning today on year-long roadworks in the Parkmore area, with traffic disruption expected.

Galway City Council is carrying out a major revamp of pedestrian and public transport facilities on Parkmore Road.

These works will involve the construction of a southbound bus lane along Parkmore Road from the Parkmore Business Park roundabout to Monivea Road Junction.

This scheme also includes upgrades to the Monivea Road Signalised Junction, the construction and installation of six bus stops, four new signalised pedestrian crossings, and new high-quality footpaths along the entirety of the road.

Temporary traffic management measures will be in place throughout the construction period, which has an estimated completion date of Quarter 1, 2025.

Works will be completed in three phases, beginning at the junction of Parkmore Road and Monivea Road.  Some elements of the works will be completed at night-time to minimise traffic disruption.

The works are being completed by Jons Civil Engineering Ltd. DBFL are the Consulting Engineers. The project is being carried out on behalf of Galway City Council and is funded by the National Transport Authority.