Call for action to tackle speeding near Merlin Park Hospital

Galway Daily news Call for action to tackle speeding near Merlin Park Hospital

Urgent action is needed to tackle dangerous speeding near Merlin Park Hospital a city councillor has said.

Cllr Alan Cheevers has said that speeding along Merlin Park Lane has become a “serious health and safety issue”, that needs to be dealt with before someone is killed.

He said that the laneway has become a rat-run for commuters going onto the Dublin Road by passing through the hospital.

“Only last week we saw a vehicle loss control and damage the front wall of a house at Merlin Lane,” Alan Cheevers said.

“Luckily there was no one injured, but we can’t see incidents like this happening again. That is why I am calling for urgent action.”

The Fianna Fáil councillor suggested that a barrier only accessible to hospital staff should be installed at the back gate of Merlin Park Hospital.

He said that the city council, Gardaí, and hospital management need to act to stop this kind of speeding.