Public consultation event on Ballinasloe Flood Relief Scheme

Galway Daily news Funding awarded for flood mitigation works in Monivea

An in-person public consultation event will be held for the Ballinasloe Flood Relief Scheme next month, the deadline of which has been extended.

A public consultation on the emerging options for the scheme will take place at the Shearwater Hotel in Ballinasloe on Tuesday, March 15 from 1pm to 7pm.

The public consultation period on the flood relief scheme will now also extend to March 25.

The project information can be found online at:, or in person at the county council civic offices, and public library, in Ballinasloe.

The development of a flood relief scheme for Ballinasloe was recommended in the Shannon Catchment Flood Risk Management Plan, which was finalised in 2018.

OPW and Galway County Council have now appointed Arup and Hydro-Environmental Ltd. to develop a viable, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable scheme for the area.