‘Power To The People’ public meeting to be held in Galway city

galway daily news eirigi meeting galway

An energy-themed public meeting will take place in Galway City on Monday, 14 November at 7pm.

Organised by Éirigí For a New Republic, it will be held in the upstairs meeting room at Richardson’s pub in Eyre Square.

Local Éirígí representative Ian Ó Dálaigh will chair the meeting, while Cathaoirleach Éirígí Brian Leeson will give the main address.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Ó Dálaigh said that prices for electricity, natural gas, home heating oil, gasoline, and diesel have all risen to previously unheard-of heights over the past year.

He said that families across Ireland are already suffering as a result of these price rises.

“As we move into the colder, darker winter months, that suffering is set to worsen significantly.”

Ó Dálaigh said is a direct result of the policy choices made by the political establishment, who have ‘shown themselves to have no long-term solutions’.

“Instead they have chosen to hand over billions of euros of public money to Big Energy companies – companies that are already earning super profits.”

Brian Leeson’s presentation will show how these choices are part of a decades-long process of handing control of Ireland’s natural gas, oil and renewable energy resources over to the private sector.