Portiuncula Hospital launches Postnatal care pilot programme

A new pilot service has been launched by the Maternity Department at Portiuncula University Hospital to further enhance midwifery care in the postnatal period. At the launch in PUH, from left: Mairead Hannon, Staff Midwife; Vanessa Joyce, Staff Midwife; Deirdre Naughton, Director of Midwifery; Diane Fitzgerald, Staff Midwife and Rebecca Colohan, Clinical Midwife Manager.

A new pilot service, which will further enhance midwifery care, has been launched by the Maternity Department at Portiuncula University Hospital.

The new programme provides extra postnatal clinics for women five and ten days after they have given birth.

The 45 minute clinics will take place in Loughrea, Ballinasloe, or Athlone depending on where the women live, and will provide a full mother and baby check, along with any additional referrals needed.

In addition, a midwife is available two hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide postnatal support over the phone to the women.

The pilot programme is on top of the service currently being provided by GPs and Public Health Nursing.

“The aim of the service is to provide enhanced postnatal care, early signposting for additional services, breastfeeding support and reduce postnatal admission,” said Rebecca Colohan, Clinical Midwife Manager at PUH.

“The idea for this service was developed following a patient engagement survey where feedback revealed the need for improved postnatal midwifery care.”

The hospital secured funding for two additional midwives, with additional administrative support, from the HSE in order to roll out this new service.

Deirdre Naughton, Director of Midwifery at the hospital added, “This service is a core component of the National Maternity Strategy’s Model of Care of establishing a community midwifery service, as an outreach service from the hospital.”

“Working alongside our Public Health Nursing colleagues and GPs, it will assist us in providing women with integrated care as close to home as possible.”

“We will be monitoring the success of the pilot closely and adapting it as required to meet the needs of the women using our service.”