Plans submitted to county council for back-up power plant

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A planning application has bene made to Galway County Council for a back-up gas power plant between Loughrea and Portumna.

EP Energy Developments is seeking planning permission for an Open Cycle Gas Turbine power plant, with associated infrastructure, at the site of Tynagh Power Station.

The application states that this development will operate as a “peaking plant” that is designed to start-up quickly when there is a gap between electricity demand, and what it supplied by renewable energy.

The application says that the 2021-2030 National Development Plan calls for the addition of 2GW of conventional electricity generation to support the transition to a predominantly wind and solar based grid, and provide a “security of supply” when they fall short of demand.

“The key objective of the development is to facilitate the continued expansion of Ireland’s renewable generation while maintaining security of supply,” the planning statement says.

The application also states that the €110 million project will support up to 200 construction jobs while it is being built, and 12 permanent jobs once operational.

The proposed plant would have the capacity to generate 299MW of energy, just under the threshold of what would automatically make it a Strategic Infrastructure Development.

An Bord Pleanála ruled last September that the proposal wouldn’t constitute an SID, allowing a planning application to be made to the county council first.

The county council is now due to make a ruling on this power plant application by January 27 of next year.