Plans rejected for new dog park near Oranmore

Galway Daily news Plans rejected for new dog park near Oranmore

Galway County Council has refused planning permission for a new dog park in the countryside near Oranmore.

An application was made for the creation of a dog park on a 1.1Ha site located off the Reville Village Road south of Oranmore.

The county council rejected the application citing road safety issues, and concerns about potential environmental impacts.

A cover letter for the planning application said that it would provide a safe and secure place for the exercise, socialisation, and training of dogs.

“Given the current bylaws dogs need to be leashed in public parks. However, there is also a need for dogs to be able to run free to burn off energy and get adequate exercise. This is where the dog park comes into play.

“By providing a secure area for dogs to be off-leash, they will be safe and pose no nuisance to the general public. This facility is needed given the current complaints about off-leash dogs in parks.”

In refusing planning permission for the dog park, Galway County Council said that it was not satisfied that the project would not have an adverse impact on the Galway Bay Complex special area of conservation.

Concerns were also raised about the local road network, with the decision stating that its “width, composition, alignment and overall carrying capacity” were not sufficient.

The council also said that the proposed access point off the local road lacked sufficient sightlines, and would therefore create a traffic hazard.

For these reasons, particularly the road safety issues, it was determined that the proposal would contravene the County Development Plan and approving it would be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.