Plans in the works for Wind Farm near Moylough

Galway Daily news Plans in the works for Wind Farm near Moylough

Plans are currently at the very early stages for the construction of a 54MW wind farm to the west of Moylough in Galway County.

Neoen Renewables Ireland Limited is seeking planning approval for a wind farm with 9 turbines from An Bord Pleanála.

These would be erected on a site in the townlands of Cooloo, Elmhill, Cloondahamper, Lecarrow and Dangan Eighter.

The plans are currently at the Pre-Application Consultation stage with An Bord Pleanála and Galway County Council.

It is only after this stage is concluded that a full planning application for the development can be made.

Plans for another wind farm near Maam Cross in Connemara were appealed to An Bord Pleanála late last month, after the county council refused planning permission.

Galway County Council had refused planning for 6 wind turbines on land northeast of Maam Cross in the townlands of Tullaghmore, Tawnaghbeg, Tullaghaboy and Lurgan.

The council was concerned about the visual prominence of the site, and that it might interfere with training by the Air Corps.