Plans for boutique hotel in Galway city centre

Galway Daily news Plans for boutique hotel in Galway city centre

Plans have been submitted to demolish derelict buildings in the centre of Galway City, and build a boutique hotel in their place.

Hanoview Ltd is seeking planning permission to demolish No. 26, a commercial building, and No. 34, a house to its rear, on Nun’s Island.

In their place the developer plans to build a three storey over part-basement boutique hotel, with 34 guest bedrooms.

Previous plans for an apartment building on the site were abandoned after consultation with the city council.

Of the 34 bedroom, it is intended that 17 will be “pod” style compact rooms, to make more economic use of the site.

The planning application documentation states, “this type of room is more economical to build and service, and with lower charges is very popular with business people and sight-seeing tourists who do not intend to spend a lot of time in their rooms.”

The hotel will contain a compact lounge and breakfast room for residents, neither of which will be open to the public.

The entrance to the hotel will be off Nun’s Island Street. The hotel will also feature a central courtyard garden, and riverside garden for guests.

The application states that car parking on the site would be  “unnecessary and undesirable”, but an area has been set aside for bicycle parking.

Galway City Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by February 23 of this year.