Planning permission granted for renovations of OPW regional HQ in Headford

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Galway County Council has granted planning permission for the development of the regional HQ for the OPW in Headford.

This development will see the existing structures demolished and a two-story office block constructed which will have a floor area of 1,226 m2 sq and which will front onto St George’s Street with the refurbishment of an existing single floor office space.

Galway East TD Ciaran Cannon welcomed the development as ‘another vote of confidence in Headford’s future’ which comes in addition to the €100,000 allocated to Headford under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme in recent days.

The Minister for the Diaspora and International Development said: “I’m very pleased with the news that Galway County Council has granted planning permission for the development of the OPW`s regional HQ in Headford.”

He added that this is another vote of confidence in Headford`s future which only last Friday was the beneficiary of €100,000 under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for local enhancements, the installation of a new seating area, improvement of outdoor lighting facilities, footpaths and resurfacing a car park.

Minister Cannon said the he is confident that the development of the OPW`s facilities will continue to contribute to the local economy in Headford and highlight its potential for future investment.