Planning permission for new Galway City Centre hotel

Galway Daily news Planning permission for new Galway City Centre hotel

Planning permission has been granted again for a new Boutique Hotel on Nun’s Island in Galway City Centre.

An Bord Pleanála has upheld the approval for Hanoview Ltd to demolish two buildings on Nun’s Island; No. 26, a commercial building, and No. 34, a dwelling to its rear.

In their place, the developer plans to build a three-storey over part-basement boutique hotel, with 34 guest bedrooms.

Of the 34 bedrooms, the developer has said that 17 will be “pod” style compact rooms, to make more economic use of the site.

The hotel will contain a compact lounge and breakfast room for residents, neither of which will be open to the public.

Planning permission for the new hotel was granted by the city council back in March of 2022.

This decision was appealed to An Bord Pleanála by the owners of a property neighbouring those to be demolished.

The appeal raised concerns that the basement level could endanger the structural integrity of their property owing to its minimal foundations.

Other issues raised in the appeal concerned increased traffic on Nun’s Island, the lack of any car parking in the plans, and the scale of the design compared with the surrounding area.

An Bord Pleanála upheld the city council’s original decision to grant planning permission, attaching 21 revised conditions.

One condition of the board’s approval was that a construction methodology report must be prepared and agreed on with the city council before work commences.

This must indicate the means proposed to ensure the protection of the structural stability of the neighbouring property associated with the appeal.