Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

A decision to refuse planning for a residential development of 91 homes in Athenry is being appealed to An Bord Pleanála.

Coffey Construction Ltd sought approval for the construction of a new housing estate next to the existing Parklands estate off the R347 Tuam Road.

The estate would comprise 10 one-bed apartments, 24 two-bed apartments, 45 three-bed houses, and 12 four bed houses.

Access to the new estate would be through the existing Parklands access road onto the R347.

The county council refused planning permission for the housing estate back in September, citing concerns about the layout of the estate, and saying that the site is not currently zoned for development.

The council also raised concerns about the capacity of the local road network to accommodate the increased traffic, and a lack of information about the capacity of the local sewerage network.

Finally the council also raised issue with not having an Archaeological Impact Assessment or appropriate environmental impact reports concerning the site.

That decision has now been appealed to An Bord Pleanála, which is due to make a ruling on the case by February 21 of 2024.

The appeal contains revised plans for the site layout, along with a number of fresh reports to address the issues raised by the council.

These include a Traffic Impact Assessment, Appropriate Assessment Screening report, Archaeological Assessment Report, and a letter confirming the feasibility of a wastewater connection from Uisce Eireann.

Regarding the site zoning, the appeal notes that the site is within the existing built-up area of Athenry, with many community facilities within easy reach, and that it had been zoned for development in the previous Local Area Plan.