Pandemic Unemployment claims fall by 1,400 in Galway

Galway Daily news Details announced for reopened Pandemic Unemployment scheme

There are 1,400 fewer people in Galway receiving Pandemic Unemployment benefits this week, as the number of people in the city and county receiving the payment falls to 22,800.

Nationwide, there are 439,000 people in Ireland in receipt of pandemic unemployment, a weekly decline of 26,100.

A further 63,000 people have closed their account with the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, and 44,800 will be receiving their final payment tomorrow.

Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys said that the figures released today show that the reopening of our economy is picking up pace.

“With Phase 3 of Re-opening Ireland Roadmap underway, an increasing number of businesses are now beginning to start back again.”

“In the last week we have seen the highest number of people return to work in a single week, since the crisis commenced.”

As well as the COVID-19 pandemic unemployment there are over 65,000 employed signed up with the Revenue for the Wage Subsidy Scheme, supporting some 410,000 employees.

Minister Humphreys said that the government has made “employment recovery” a top priority, and that a jobs stimulus package will be announced later this month to help those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.