Over 3,000 Galway students collecting leaving Cert results

Galway daily news Almost 3,500 Galway students receiving Leaving Cert results

It’s a morning of anticipation for 3,120 young people in Galway who are receiving their Leaving Cert results today.

Students are able to collect the Leaving Cert results in school or online from 10am this morning, putting an end to months of speculation, and leaving them looking towards the CAO offers later this week.

The gender breakdown for the Leaving Cert this year was almost exactly half and half by gender in Galway, with 1,589 boys sitting the main exams and 1,531 girls. A further 92 people took the Applied Exams.

According to the State Examinations Commission a total of 58,787 students were sitting their 6th year examinations in 2019 across Ireland. The Commission said that this year’s results are broadly in line with 2018 and previous years.

Several reforms were made to the exam process this year to make things less stressful for students. The timetable for the exams was extended by two two days, while the results and round 1 CAO offers were brought forward to this Thursday.

The timeline for appeals to exam results was also brought forward, with with post-appeal results confirmed by 20 September.

Applications to appeal can only be made through the Candidate Self Service Portal between 5 pm on Friday, August 16 and 5pm on Thursday, August 22.

Minister for Education Joe McHugh offered his congratulations to everyone who sat the leaving Cert this year.

“It is another step through life but there are many more days and changes that will define your future. You should be very proud of your achievements.”

“There are many paths open to you, with a wide range of opportunities available in higher education, further education, post Leaving Certificate courses and apprenticeship and traineeship routes.”

“There are also an increasing number of options and opportunities for students regionally. More lead-in courses, more choice at institutes of technology and colleges planning for technological university status.”

A Leaving Certificate Exam Helpline, run by the National Parents Council Post Primary, is also opening tody and will provide advice to students and parents regarding the examination results.

The Helpline, which receives support from the Department of Education and Skills, can be contacted at 1800 265 165. It will remain open until Saturday, August 17.

Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor said that people disappointed with their results should avoid panicking, “My advice is, remain calm, and, with your parents, look at all your options.”

“There are so many opportunities open to you, you can still achieve all that you set out to do, but you may just have to take a slightly different route to get there.”

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is currently undertaking a major review of senior cycle, including the Established, Vocational, and Applied strains of the Leaving Cert.

The latest part of this process, launched in July, is a public consultation inviting feedback from the public on areas reviewed so far which will continue until November 1.

Individuals and organisations can provide feedback through an online survey, by making a written submission or by attending a regional focus group meeting.

Further information available at: https://www.ncca.ie/en/senior-cycle/senior-cycle-review/consultation.