Galway Daily news snow and ice weather warning

19.00 Galway City Council say the following measures are in place:

“• The Winter Maintenance Programme for roads across the city is on-going. It is intended that salting operations will take place 7-9pm tonight and again at 5am tomorrow morning (Thurs. 1st Mar. ’18). The situation will be monitored for following days. Galway City council has an ample supply (and reserve stock) of salt.
• Requests have come in for salting on roads in estates and carparks in churches (in advance of religious events at the weekend). The Roads section will facilitate such requests as best as possible.
• The main pedestrianised streets in the city centre will be salted on Thursday morning and the status of the streets will be monitored thereafter.
• The roads section will monitor water levels and keep in contact with the Harbour Master during this period of high astronomical spring tides
• The Aquadam bund at Fishmarket will be partially inflated and roads crews will be on standby (for road closures etc.) in the event of overtopping/flooding due to tides particularly early on Saturday morning 3rd March.
• A Follow Up Meeting of the Weather assessment Team is scheduled for 2.30pm on Thurs. 1st Mar. ‘18 “

16.06  Collision on M6 eastbound has been cleared.

16.00 All rail services will close tomorrow at 2pm and remain closed until 12 midday on Friday at least.

15.00 Collision on M6 eastbound.

14.15 For anyone heading to Leinster tomorrow, Met Éireann are advising that there will be zero visibility during the forecasted blizzard conditions.

13.00 Five weather alerts are in place nationally as Storm Emma clashes with what has become known as the Beast from the East.

Currently there are just two warnings in force for Galway – a status yellow warning for scattered heavy snow showers today, tonight, and tomorrow, and a status orange snow-ice warning (which may be upgraded to a red warning) for tomorrow night, Thursday 8pm to Friday midday.

All Ryanair flights to and from Dublin Airport have been cancelled for the rest of today.

A status red warning for snow is in place for Dublin, Kildare, Louth, Wicklow and Meath tonight, and for Munster and Leinster tomorrow night.

The east and south-west of the country will experience blizzard-like conditions in heavy snow and strong easterly winds.