Just 2 days left to submit applications for National Lottery Good Causes Awards

galway daily news national lottery good causes awards
Lough Ree Lanesborough Angling Hub in Co. Roscommon. Pic: Mac Innes Photography

The National Lottery has called on Good Causes beneficiaries across Ireland to submit their applications for this year’s Good Causes Awards ahead of the deadline this Friday, 1 April.

The awards honour the inspiring work and achievements of thousands of projects, clubs and individuals from all who, with the help of National Lottery funding, have had a positive impact on their local communities.

Last year’s Good Causes Awards saw Lough Ree Lanesborough Angling Hub win the Health & Wellbeing category and then go on to be named as the National Lottery Good Cause of the Year.

The Roscommon-based not-for-profit organisation promotes inclusion within its community and provides equal access to fishing for people of all abilities.

To follow in the footsteps of the Lough Ree Lanesborough Angling Hub, the National Lottery is encouraging Good Causes beneficiaries to complete and submit their applications ahead of the deadline this Friday.

National Lottery CSR and Good Causes Manager, Jennifer Crowe, has appealed to the many outstanding groups and organisations all over the country who have received Good Causes funding between 2017 – 2021 to enter.

“Hearing how Good Causes funding has enabled beneficiaries to complete inspiring projects and make a difference to their communities, truly is one of the most moving aspects of the Good Causes Awards,” she said.

“Each of the extraordinary beneficiaries have a story to tell and with just days left until the application deadline, we would love to hear from even more of our deserving recipients.

“We are urging all of our Good Causes beneficiaries who have received funding between 2017-2021 to make sure to get their applications in ahead of the upcoming deadline this Friday – best of luck to everyone entering!” she said.

Organisations, projects and clubs nationwide who received funding through the following National Lottery part-funded schemes between 2017-2021 can enter:

• Sports – Sports Capital Programme or any funding issued through Sport Ireland

• Arts & Culture – Any funding provided through the Arts Council of Ireland

• Heritage – Any funding provided through the Heritage Council of Ireland.

• Youth – Funding issued by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (i.e. UBU Your Place, Your Space grants, Targeted Youth Funding Schemes or Youth Information Centre’s)

• Health – Funding from the HSE National Lottery Grant Scheme

• Community – Any National Lottery part-funded scheme administered by Department of Rural & Community Development (Senior Alert Schemes or Scheme to Support National Organisations (SSNO)

• Irish Language – Any Irish Language support provided through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media

The total prize fund for the National Lottery Good Causes Awards is €130,000. Each of the 35 finalists will win €1,000 when they are announced at the National Finals stage this summer.

At the awards ceremony later this year, each of the seven category winners will receive €10,000 and the overall Good Cause of the Year will win an additional €25,000.

Good Causes beneficiaries can enter and check eligibility at www.lottery.ie/good-causes-awards.