Planning permission sought for Clifden housing development

Galway Daily news Planning appeal over 91 houses & apartments in Athenry

Planning permission is being sought from the county council for a housing development to the south of Clifden comprising 28 houses.

Acton MR Construction Limited have submitted plans for a development on a 3.75ha greenfield site on the Clifden-Ballyconneely Road.

The 28 detached houses will comprise 7 four-bed units, 18 three-bed units, and 3 two-bed units.

An architectural statement for the project states that the development has been designed with landscaped spaces acting as “green breaks” between clusters of houses, and a “woodland walkway” which will look down over Clifden Bay.

The estate will include 56 total car parking spaces, two per houses, along with four bikes racks.

The existing access point onto the Clifden-Ballyconneely R341 road would be upgraded for the site entrance.

Galway County Council is due to make a decision on this planning application by February 4 of this year.