High number of flu patients putting pressure on Portiuncula Hospital

Galway Daily news Portiuncula Hospital reports high flu circulation

Portiuncula University Hospital is treating a high number of patients with flu which is leading to long wait times and increased pressure on hospital services.

There has been a high circulation of the flu virus in the community recently, which is expected to peak in the coming days.

PUH is asking people to be aware of all their potential healthcare options to minimise the risk of outbreaks in the hospital.

Symptoms of flu include a high temperature, aches and pains, headache, sore throat or cough. If you have any of these symptoms please do not visit a loved one in the hospital.

Please postpone your visit until at least 48 hours after your symptoms have cleared, this will reduce the risk of spreading infection to people who are sick and vulnerable.

James Keane, PUH Hospital Manager said, “Our staff are working very hard to care for the many seriously ill patients in the hospital and we need to do everything we can to protect our patients from additional risks of the flu virus.”

“All visitors are urged to wash their hands properly and use hand gel regularly while in the hospital. For your protection, masks are available in the main hospital foyer and in the wards.”

For mild illness or non-urgent conditions there are a number of treatment options open to you depending on your illness – being prepared and knowing where to go will mean that you will get treated more quickly.

The out of hours GP service, Roscommon Injury Unit and pharmacies are also open for healthcare advice and treatment.

Emergency Departments are always available to treat seriously ill patients and the sickest patients are seen first. People with less severe injuries and symptoms may have to wait to be seen.