Online hub for new mums launched by UHG Maternity Department

parents centre galway daily

The Maternity Department at UHG has introduced a new online hub which provides support, advice to new mums on postnatal services that are available both in the hospital and the community.

The ‘New Mums Virtual Wellbeing Hub’ team includes a range of healthcare pofessionals, including a midwife, social worker, paediatrician, GP and pharmacist.

The virtual hub is live on the third Tuesday of every month at 11am and booking is available via

Carmel Connolly, Clinical Nurse Manger 2 and Project Lead, said yhe lack of support and connection, change in identity and unrealistic expectations of parenthood due to the influence of social media has effected maternal wellbeing.

She said that feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and lonely is not uncommon.

“Listening to our mothers concerns led to the design of this new service. Mothers need to connect with other mothers. There is a real fatigue and loneliness after giving birth for many women.

“They need consistent, evidenced-based information and signposting to services available to them in Galway.”

Ms Connolly said that they launched the hub in November and had 19 couples in attendance.

“It is so reassuring to see the difference the hub has already created in the lives of mothers and their families,” she said.

“There has already been increased referrals to Physiotherapy, Lactation Consultant and Urogynaecology Specialists. Mothers have connected with these services as a direct result of attending the wellbeing hub.”

One mother who attended the hub said that it “was lovely to be able to connect with other mothers.”

“I was having breastfeeding issues and I knew who to contact after the hub. It is reassuring to see the healthcare team from the hospital and the community working together. It is a fantastic service.”

Another mother said: “I wish this service was available after my first baby. I did not know what was normal.

“I was so down in myself and was embarrassed to look for help. I picked up lots of skills from the Clinical Psychologist. I am very grateful for the support of this hub.”