Moycullen Primary Care Centre to be completed by late 2021

Galway Daily news People in Galway urged to know their healthcare options for Bank Holiday

Construction of a new Primary Care Centre in Moycullen is expected to be completed by late next year, with a view towards becoming operational in early 2022.

At a recent Regional Health Forum meeting, County Councillor Dáithí Ó Cualáin had asked the HSE for an update on the development of Primary Care Centres at Knocknacarra, Moycullen, Spiddal, and any proposals for south Connemara.

In a written answer Joe Hoare, Assistant National Director of HSE Estates, said that construction work is underway on substructures on site.

Construction work on the new centre is expected to be completed by Q4 2021, and it should become operational in January 2022 he wrote.

In regards to Knocknacarra, he said that instead of building a PCC there, it has been proposed that a single, large centre should serve the needs of the entire west side of the city.

“Estates have progressed this and following an expression of interest process a suitable site in the vicinity of University Hospital Galway has been identified and draft plans have been developed.”

“It is hoped that a planning application will be lodged within the next few months. This would provide accommodation for the HSE Health Professionals who make up the Knocknacarra Primary Care Team.”

“Separately a fit out is being progressed in Knocknacarra to provide a mental health facility for the area.”

The HSE advertised for locations in 2019, and the next stage of development site will involve seeking priced offers from shortlisted developers, which it is hoped will be completed in early 2021, after progress was delayed by COVID-19.

There are currently no plans to develop a Primary Care Centre in South Connemara Joe Hoare said, due to difficulties that are likely to arise from concentrating services in the region.

“The view has been that the geographical make-up of the area with a number of peninsulas may not lend itself to one central primary care facility.”

“At present services are delivered from several sites namely Cararoe, Lettermore, Rosmuc and Carna to reflect the spread out geographic nature of the area.”