Diabetes Ireland teams up with Matt Cooper for World Diabetes Day

galway daily matt cooper diabetes ireland

Diabetes Ireland has teamed up with Today FM presenter Matt Cooper to mark World Diabetes Day on Saturday, 14 November.

The campaign aims to raise awareness about how important it is for people with type 2 diabetes to closely monitor their health, and encourage them to seek advice from a healthcare professional.

World Diabetes Day (WDD), organised by the International Diabetes Federation, is an annual awareness campaign that focuses on the prevention and management of diabetes around the world.

Currently there are approximately 200,000 people in Ireland living with type 2 diabetes.

“We are delighted to be able to partner with Matt for World Diabetes Day this year,” said Dr Anna Clarke, Research Manager of Diabetes Ireland.

“We believe his diabetes journey will resonate with so many people in the diabetes community, who may be struggling to adjust their lifestyles at this time.

“We fear people are choosing to delay visiting their GP or hospital diabetes team in the belief that they are helping those professionals cope with the pandemic or from a fear of contracting Covid-19, but in doing so they may be risking their own diabetes health as their problem escalates. So, it is vital to seek medical attention early and be treated and reassured.”

People with diabetes need to continue to self-manage their diabetes through healthy eating, taking regular physical activity, checking their blood glucose levels if advised to and taking their medications as prescribed.

Today FM presenter Matt Cooper was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2018, says; “I discovered two years ago that I had developed type 2 diabetes. It was something of a shock to discover that I wasn’t invulnerable to becoming ill, and that this is a lifelong condition that I will have to manage for fear of suffering very serious consequences if I don’t.

“I’ve discovered that management of it is possible, but isn’t necessarily easy, no matter how motivated I am. There are always new things I need to learn about the condition and how to deal with it.

“Plenty of information helps and then acting upon it, which is why I’m delighted to get involved in supporting this year’s campaign.”

On Thursday, 19th November, Diabetes Ireland will be hosting a free webinar from 7pm- 8pm with Professor John McDermott, Consultant Endocrinologist at Connolly Hospital, Blanchardstown in Dublin.

Professor McDermott will be discussing care of type 2 diabetes with a focus on knowing and reducing your risk in the midst of the pandemic.

To register your attendance, click here.