60 patients on trolleys in Galway’s hospitals today

Galway Daily news 67 people on trolleys at UHG

There are a total of 60 patients waiting on trolleys in Galway’s acute hospitals today.

At University Hospital Galway there are 51 patients in the emergency department waiting for a bed.

This makes UHG the third most overcrowded hospital today, behind UH Limerick (77), and Cork University Hospital (65).

At Portiuncula Hospital in Ballinasloe there are a further nine patients without beds, three in the Emergency Department and six in Wards.

Figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation show that there are a total of 540 patients on trolleys in Ireland’s acute hospitals today.

The two hospitals were also dealing with 57 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Tuesday evening, 50 in Galway and seven at Portiuncula.

Fortunately, the number of COVID patients in Galway’s hospitals has begun to decline again in recent days, after spiking in the wave after restrictions ended.

There are a total of six COVID patients being treated in the ICU in Galway, five of them at UHG and one in Ballinasloe.