Glassilaun beach in Connemara closed due to elevated bacteria levels

Galway daily news RNLI and Coast Guard issued joint advice for people hitting the beach

Glassilaun beach in Connemara is currently closed to swimmers due to elevated levels of bacteria in the water.

Water samples were taken on August 20 and found elevated levels of e.coli and intestinal enterococci

The decision was made by the County council to close the beach as it could cause illness.

Historically the water quality from Glassilaun beach has always been excellent.

This is the first time since testing began in 2012 that there has been anything close to this level of bacteria.

It’s believed the poor water quality and the high levels of bacteria found in samples were caused by the heavy rainfall in the past few days.

Glassilaun is a white sandy beach between Renvyle and Killary Bay, very popular for swimming, snorkling, and walking.

The nearest village is Tullycross, 6km away.

Fresh water samples were taken Thursday, August 23 and the results will be made known this weekend.

Further investigations will be conducted into the cause of the elevated bacteria levels.

Photo by Alan Reid