Galway Simon staff prepare to ‘Runamuck’ to raise vital funds

gaLWAY DAILY NEWS SIMON COMMUNITY PREPARING for runamuck challenge fundraiser in galway
Staff members Kathryn O’Hara and Joanne Keena from Galway Simon’s Emergency Service prepare for the ‘Runamuck’

Galway Simon Community’s frontline staff are preparing to take part in a cross-country obstacle ‘run’ over a mucky course in a bid to raise funds for the men’s Emergency Service where they work.

The ‘Runamuck’ challenge, taking place on 5 March, is designed to challenge participants both physically and mentally, while also leaving them with smiles on their faces.

Training for the challenge is underway as the team gets ready to tackle bale jumps, net scrambles and crawls, bogs, ditches, streams and a floating pontoon bridge across a lake.

Funds raised will go directly to Galway Simon’s Emergency Service which provides temporary accommodation to men experiencing homelessness in Galway and supports them in their search to secure long-term accommodation.

The charity also provides the men with general nursing and mental health supports, addiction counselling and occupational therapy.

“It’s the practical day-to-day running of our Emergency Service that often goes unseen – having somewhere to eat a warm meal, wash your clothes and speak to someone who cares,” said Ann Murphy, Runamuck Team Leader and Galway Simon frontline staff member.

“Right now, we are in desperate need of a commercial washing machine that can handle the rigors of washing all day, every day.”

Fintan Maher, Galway Simon’s Head of Fundraising and Communications, said that the number of people living in Emergency Accommodation across the West is rising, which is hugely concerning.

“At the same time, our fundraising took a hit last year with more events cancelled due to the pandemic, so it is genuinely heart-warming and amazing to see our frontline staff go the extra mile to fundraise for our services”,” he said.

“It speaks to their commitment and compassion for the people who we support.”

To donate to Galway Simon’s Runamuck fundraiser or for more information search Galway Simon Community on iDonate.